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Volusion vs Shopify vs BigCommerce

Volusion vs Shopify vs BigCommerce

Volusion, Shopify and BigCommerce

To build an excellent website to choose a hosted eCommerce provider. Volusion, Shopify, and BigCommerce are leading e-commerce providers. 

To decide the best option for your online store among these three options, read the comparison. 

Let’s dive in!

Volusion vs Shopify vs BigCommerce – Features

Volusion , Shopify and BigCommerce features


Volusion is a Windows-based e-commerce system written in ASP.NET that is robust yet user-friendly.  It simplifies site administration and payment processing. This e-commerce platform prioritizes presentation and delivers excellent UX. 

The Vzoom image resulting feature simplifies shopping. Other significant features are ROI tracking, advanced antics, and affiliate program management tools. The theme layouts are mobile-optimized by default. Volusion offers various SEO tools that help you to rank high on SERPs. 


Shopify is a user-friendly and feature-rich e-commerce platform that allows merchants to configure their online store as they want. The drag-and-drop functionality helps to build product pages and collections easily. 

With this platform, you can easily publish blog posts and articles. Shopify supports payment processing via Google Checkout, PayPal, and other major credit cards by default. Due to its solid foundation on the Ruby on Rails framework, it is secure, stable, and responsive.

Shopify eases brand promotion because of advanced SEO tools. The keyword tag suggestion features and XML Sitemap engine improves your online store visibility. It offers a strong Content Delivery Network, automated backups, and 128bit SSL encryption.

When you use Shopify, you don’t need to worry about data integration. It constantly introduces new features like Free Shipping coupons that boost the platform in its entirety. 


BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform written in PHP. If you are acquainted with the LAMP stack, you can use BigCommerce easily. You can edit CSS and HTML on the go to enhance the look of your online store. Moreover, BigCommerce offers over 100 various theme layouts. 

The drag and drop feature makes the entire design process easy and seamless. The live demo page is a great platform to show your creativity. BigCommerce creates product photo galleries and helps administrators to automate email marketing campaigns 

The all-inclusive mobile support enables your online store to function smoothly on Android and iOS devices. BigCommerce follows a “batteries included” approach for shopping cart design and application. This platform manages everything from Ordoro dropshipping to warehouse and inventory tracking with Shipwire integration. 

BigCommerce saves Abandoned Cart details if customers don’t finish transactions, which helps you to significantly boost conversions and sales. 

The multiple currencies and payment options support makes BigCommerce a genuinely international shopping cart platform. The outstanding default SEO features make website optimization extremely easy. 

Volusion vs Shopify vs BigCommerce – Which is the Best Option for Your Online Store?

Volusion, Shopify, and BigCommerce are leading e-commerce providers.

Volusion, Shopify, and BigCommerce offer a good deal of features including support and documentation that help your online store to thrive. These hosted eCommerce platforms are the best options and thus, they are worth the success of your online store. 

Once you choose the perfect hosted eCommerce platform, you can easily achieve your online business goals. You can always go for BigCommerce with no second thoughts as they offer all the required functionalities, a trustworthy platform to grow your online presence, and strong support to back things. 

Volusion and Shopify are also good e-commerce platforms because of their positive features. Identify your precise e-commerce website development requirements to pick the best option suited to your needs.

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