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Include These Essential Functions in Your Own Urbanclap Clone

Include These Essential Functions in Your Own Urbanclap Clone

Include These Essential Functions in Your Own Urbanclap Clone

To start from scratch and create an Urbanclap clone, you will first need to familiarise yourself with the original Urbanclap platform. Urbanclap is a well-known website that serves as a platform for providing a variety of services to members of the general public. Beginning with the straightforward concept of providing day-to-day services via an online platform, the company that would later be known as Urban Company was established in 2014 and later renamed.

Urban Company provides a wide range of services, including home maintenance and repair work, services for maintaining beauty and wellness, and beauty and wellness treatments. Urban Company has been receiving a lot of praise and admiration over the past few years due to the fact that it is expected to generate more than INR 200crores by itself in the year 2020.

Having said that, the question that still needs to be answered is what propels Urbanclap to such a lofty position. And it is precisely this popularity that has been the impetus behind the concept and hype surrounding the development of an Urbanclap clone. The inherent qualities of an app like Urbanclap are unquestionably responsible for its meteoric rise to the top of the app store charts.

It is an application that provides users with on-demand access to a variety of services, including those related to wellness, installation, maintenance, and repair. The user will only need to skim through the app or search according to his or her needs in order to connect with the service provider who will bring the service to the user’s doorstep. The convenience of having professionals complete the task, in addition to the accessibility of service providers, contributes to the growth in demand for the product.

Introducing New Functionality Into An Urbanclap Clone App

Introducing New Functionality Into An Urbanclap Clone App

If you are considering developing a replica of Urbanclap, it is imperative that you first examine the original application and become familiar with its components, features, and functionalities. An application such as Urbanclap is heavily reliant on its features and specifications to streamline the platform in order to provide its users with a satisfactory experience while using their portal.

Users and service providers each have an equal stake in the success of a platform like Urbanclap, which brings them both together. Because of this, the mobile application needs to have features and functionalities that are suitable for both of the involved parties. Creating a clone of Urbanclap necessitates the implementation of a number of core features, which we will now discuss.

Login And Sign-up

A platform such as Urbanclap needs to have registration features in order to provide users with the ability to legitimately verify themselves. Any web portal, by its very nature, is constantly changing and upgrading itself in order to keep up with the latest industry standards and trends. Users immediately become a part of the Urbanclap community as soon as they register for the application and are updated immediately regarding any changes that are made.

Users are required to meet their own unique set of requirements in order to log in, which may include their name, residential address, and various other types of fundamental information that the company requires from its customers. On the other hand, service providers have certain requirements that must be met before submitting an application to sign up for their services. In order to obtain a profile or account, it is subject to a higher level of scrutiny and may involve a number of verifications and proofs of authentication.

Catalogue of Services by Their Type

A proper list or catalogue that will feature all of an Urbanclap clone application’s services is the bare minimum functionality that should be included in such an application. Because an app like Urbanclap provides a wide range of services, the catalogue needs to reflect this breadth of functionality. Because this is a platform that hosts multiple services, it may be difficult for users to search for or zero in on particular services.

By incorporating a catalogue into the application, the user will have an easier time navigating to the location of their choice, and the business may also pick up a few bookings as a result. After successfully logging into the system, users will undoubtedly navigate to the catalogue to investigate the products that are presented there. Some automatic features can also be included for first-time users to give them an overall idea of Urbanclap featuring different services from the catalogue itself. This would be helpful for users who are unfamiliar with the platform.

Wallet & Online Payment

It is generally accepted that an online service platform must provide customers with the option to make payments online. It is one thing to integrate an online payment gateway, but in this day and age of hacking and other online threats, maintaining its safety and security is by far the most important thing to take into consideration.

There is also the possibility of including a wallet in the package. Recently, the wallet feature has received a lot of attention and praise. A wallet can be integrated into an Urbanclap clone, giving users the ability to store digital currency in the wallet and pay for services using the stored digital currency instead of traditional payment methods. If a service provider is unable to provide the desired service after the payment has already been cleared, the company has the ability to use the wallet to initiate a refund facility on the customer’s behalf.

Tracking and Mapping

Apps that provide on-demand services, such as Urbanclap, need to have mapping software installed so that they can track the location of their users. Given that the nature of the services almost always requires the service provider to travel to the address that was provided by the customer, the map can serve as a navigational aid on the trip. On the other hand, these types of apps have a procedure that, if they have access to your GPS location, will locate the service provider that is geographically closest to you.


The most advantageous feature of Urbanclap is that it gives users the ability to book or schedule appointments with service providers at any time that is convenient for them. Users are able to log in and schedule appointments, giving them the ability to make adjustments to the date and time of the appointment in advance.

Review and feedback are welcome.

After utilising your services, the users of your platform may wish to provide feedback on their experience. As a result, this will be the introduction to the comment or review section. Customers who are visiting the platform or who are using the services of any service provider should pay attention to the reviews and comments that other users leave.

The Use of Chat Bots.

The concept of a chatbot is one that is gaining traction in today’s world. This particular feature guarantees that users will be able to communicate on the platform. The chatbot will be activated as soon as a user logs into the Urbanclap clone, at which point it will begin communicating with the user regarding any questions the user may have. This is the most effective method for getting first-time users involved in the system. Conversations with chatbots give users the ability to trust the platform, which is important when taking into account the app’s honest effort to help users comprehend the company.

Storage in the Cloud

Any web or digital platform that exists in the modern era generates a massive amount of digital data, and it is essential for the owner to keep track of all of the data that is being generated. Because the loss of data can be quite expensive for a company, various storage options ought to be incorporated into the business. The cloud storage option is by far the most popular and dependable choice. It remembers all of the data while it is in motion and saves it in an organised fashion so that the owner can access it whenever it is required.

Marking Favorite

Because this is a platform that provides services, the users have the opportunity to select both the type of service and the provider that best meets their needs. As a result, the platform ought to additionally comprise a preferred choice. The user can designate a particular service provider as a favourite and then utilise that provider’s services at a later time thanks to this feature.

A clone of Urbanclap should not only look like Urbanclap, but it should also function in a comparable manner and include some additional features. As a global platform, it is necessary to take into account the three most important aspects, which are the availability of multiple currencies, languages, and payment gateways. This is done to guarantee that each and every customer is satisfied and at ease after making use of the services provided without any complications.

How Should the Development of an Urbanclap Clone Proceed?

the Development of an Urbanclap Clone Proceed

When contemplating the creation of an on-demand service platform similar to Urbanclap, there are a few things that absolutely must be taken into consideration. Before beginning the project, every aspect—including the cost of the app’s development, the planning of services and the integration of features, and the maintenance of the platform—needs to be mapped out. Now, let’s take a look at the fundamental structure as well as the steps involved in developing an Urbanclap clone.

The Process of Creating the Application

The Process of Creating the Application

The process by which you will create the application should be the first and most important thing that you consider. The creation of mobile applications has become much simpler and more approachable. Because of this pattern, it is now very simple for businesses to employ people with expertise in app development. Employing the services of a company that specialises in app development can provide you with a very professional perspective on the situation.

Obtaining the best possible technical stacks is the most effective method for developing an application. In other words, the best testers, developers, and user interface and user experience designers. This trilogy guides you through the process of developing an app of your choosing. The developer will assist in the development of the app’s codes and the integration of the most recent software, while the testers will assist in the bug testing of the app. And finally, the user interface and user experience designer will create the optimal layout that incorporates all of the functionality that was developed by the first two industries.

The Process of Bringing on Board Service Providers

The Process of Bringing on Board Service Providers

As the development of your Urbanclap clone application continues, you will soon be required to shift your focus to the operational aspects of your business. You will need to make contact with service providers and strike a reasonable deal in order to convince them to become business partners with your platform. You will need to make use of a variety of service providers in order to get all of the services that are willing to be provided that you have listed on your portal. Your customers have only the highest expectations for the quality of service that you can provide, and it is your job to exceed those expectations. As a result, you need to select your service providers with caution.

User Choice In Regards To Services

User Choice In Regards To Services

On your platform, users can only see the content that you choose to make visible to them. Because of this, the catalogue needs to be brought up to date, and there should be easy access to the list of services. You have the ability to include a wide variety of services if you run an Urbanclap clone that provides on-demand services.

An application of this kind could include services ranging from cleaning and repair to educational, health and fitness, moving and packing, design and construction, event and party, and business services, all the way up to services that are especially geared towards children. Users are able to choose from the available options on their preferred list, then book a service provider or make an appointment according to their own preferences.

App Revenue Model

App Revenue Model

You will need to give some thought to a revenue model while you are in the process of launching an eCommerce portal. The process of developing a mobile application requires an investment of both time and money on the part of the developer. As a result, it is natural to feel the desire to fashion something useful out of it as well. There are several different ways that an application can collect the money that is owed to it from the platform. Now, let’s take a look at the business plan for an app that is a clone of Urbanclap.

Commission: The owner of the app has the ability to charge a certain fee for each and every successful request that is received by a service provider on the platform. The proprietor of the app will be entitled to a certain amount of commission as a result of the numerous service requests that are documented on the platform.

Advertisement: If you want to provide opportunities for your service providers to advertise within your app, you can do so in exchange for some fees. The advertisement may take the form of a pop-up window, an advertisement that is visible on the platform or home page, or even for increased visibility and other purposes.

Premium: You can also charge users and service providers premiums for certain agreements in certain situations. It is fairly easy to understand from the perspective of the users; a premium membership grants them access to various discounts and unique purchasing opportunities. While it is possible to have both authorised premium service providers who have joined forces in the partnership, giving them an advantageous position, this option is not available to you. It is possible that other service providers will only be available temporarily or will choose not to collaborate with the app.

The Cost Of Both Maintenance And Development

The Cost Of Both Maintenance And Development

App development is in itself requires some expenses. On the other hand, the application’s maintenance doesn’t begin until after the development process is finished. Every part of the app, including the technical stacks for its development, as well as its marketing, management, and SEO, requires a significant amount of attention from the company. You need to take into consideration not only the cost of development but also the cost of maintenance that will be incurred throughout the application’s lifetime.

The Benefits of Utilizing an Application That Provides On-Demand Services

The Benefits of Utilizing an Application That Provides On-Demand Services

An on-demand app like Urbanclap has many benefits to offer, not only for its users but also for the partners it works with. When you really stop to think about it, these apps are absolutely necessary for the average person who either does not know the local area well or does not have the time to go out and look for home services.


An Urbanclap close makes the entire process of booking and using a service much more streamlined, which makes it quite effective for use in business settings.

Saves Time

The user can search for services using a mobile device or other devices, look for services that are located in the immediate area, and get a match using the app’s matching algorithm. This helps save time that would otherwise be spent physically looking for a service provider. You can also schedule appointments, thereby providing both yourself and the provider with a definite period of time and objective to work towards.


It is necessary for the application to be made available on a variety of well-known platforms so that users can access it from any device of their choosing.


The app owners are able to perform analysis on the data that is stored in the cloud. It provides them with a glimpse into the behaviour of the customers and makes the app and the services more approachable for them.


When it comes to getting an on-demand service from a dependable provider at a reasonable price, this is by far the most user-friendly choice that they have.

In a residential setting, having access to services such as plumbing, carpeting, and machine repair, amongst other things, is of utmost importance. Which drives up the demand even further for an app that is similar to Urbanclap.


Urbanclap Clone

Developing any kind of application is already a significant accomplishment in and of itself. Having said that, you have to have a very clear focus on what it is that you are going to present and how you intend to do it. As a result, a platform that is functionally equivalent to Urbanclap is in high demand in the modern day and can even be considered a requirement at this point in time.

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