WooCommerce Import Products
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Have you heard about WooCommerce Import Products? Did you know importing your products can be as easy as creating a CSV file and importing that into WooCommerce?
So how to create your CSV?
Start with finding a sample.csv in the plugin folder or download one. It consists of many common fields used to sell products. To see the full list of available fields, check the column header reference.
Do you want to ensure you are adding all the required fields for your online store? Add a product via WordPress and then export that CSV to create a basic template.
To include product variations, add an SKU as it makes it simpler to map variations onto your patent product.
Wondering how to import your CSV? Go to WooCommerce > CSV Import Suite.
Then, click the Import Products button.
WooCommerce – Product CSV Import – Import

Click Choose File, and upload a file from your system or anywhere your CSV is located.
Import Products Screen

The delimiter is the character that distinguishes the values, which is a comma in this case.
Select Upload File and Import

Map Fields
Make sure that your column headers are mapped to the accurate field in WordPress before completing the import. This is the final step that ensures everything gets imported properly.
Check the list to ensure that fields are getting mapped to the correct place.
Sample Product Field Mapping

When you are satisfied, click Submit. After that, your products get imported and you will get a real-time view of the success and failure(if any) in import.
Hopefully, you understand now how to deal with WooCommerce Import Products. So what are you waiting for? Just do it.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.
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